@office_che@iiserb.ac.in +91 755 269 2572
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  • Ph.D
  • BS/BS-MS

BS-MS (major)

The department started offering five years BS-MS (Dual Degree) programme from July 2017 onwards. After successful completion of common courses that the institute offers in the first two years, students can opt to pursue a major in Chemical Engineering.
The curriculum of the BS-MS programme in this discipline is interdisciplinary in nature. This will provide the students with a unique opportunity to understand and gain the knowledge to pursue an academic career in engineering sciences along with an appreciation for natural sciences. Moreover, the programme allows the graduates to pursue careers in the fields that lie at the interfaces between science and engineering.
Also, the students from other disciplines can undertake a project from Chemical Engineering Department towards the partial fulfilment of the requirements of BS-MS degree.

BS-MS (minor)

The department started offering five years BS-MS (Dual Degree) programme from July 2017 onwards. After successful completion of common courses that the institute offers in the first two years, students can opt to pursue a major in Chemical Engineering.


Presently, Department of Chemical Engineering offers full fledged Ph.D. programme. This programme is intended to promote and explore the interdisciplinary research areas that lie at the interfaces between science and engineering. The department is actively involved in various research domains such as computational fluid dynamics, multiphase flow, non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, sonochemistry, cavitation bubble dynamics, wastewater treatment using chemical and biological methods, material science, and renewable & sustainable energy.
During the Ph.D. programme, the students undergo vigorous coursework in advanced engineering topics followed by an independent research work as Ph.D. Thesis.

Who Can Apply?

The students seeking admission in Ph.D. programme should have a master’s degree (M.Tech./M.E./M.S./M.Sc.) from any reputed institute approved by AICTE. Additionally, candidate must have qualified GATE, preferably in engineering discipline (however, a valid GATE score is not mandatory).
Exceptional and highly motivated candidates with B.E./B.Tech in Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering or Environmental Engineering (GATE qualified) may also apply for Ph.D. programme.